Tijimbat Minyerri - Wet Season 2014

Our name, Teachabout, closely aligns with the word, tijimbat, a Kriol word from the Roper River region, which means 'teach your kids about everything'.

Teachabout has a unique approach to school holiday programs. Our programs are well thought-out and expansive with a strong focus on building relationships with the kids, their families and community members. They incorporate a wide variety of activities including art projects, science experiments, cultural knowledge, drama, ICT, music, dance and sport. English literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills are integrated across these activities and also form the focus of specific sessions.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have since passed away.

Friday 3 January 2014

Tash: Darwin Days

Today is our second full day (except for Gunners who had to spent New Years Eve on the plane and landed earlier than the rest of us) and it is one hot Friday! The temperature is above 30 from when we wake up until we go to sleep each day so after two very full days of crazy shopping, the pool is definitely our favourite place. This morning Jason, Gunners, Morgan and I got up at 6.30am to go for a run - we had extremely tasty chicken burritos for dinner last night so we had energy to spare - and even then the sun was beating down fiercely!

We are feeling very proud of ourselves as we have visited all the different shops and crossed everything off our shopping lists EARLIER than expected - that almost never happens! That means tomorrow, a whole day earlier than planned, we are jumping into the packed troopies and beginning the drive to Minyerri. Even though I am a little nervous about experiencing everything for the first time, Rita and Georgi have been telling us some really great stories so I’m mainly super excited! Everyone is looking forward to getting there and getting into it, and hoping for some cooler weather…unfortunately, we know that not even crossed fingers will help with that!

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